Ryan Black
Adam Beach
Lisa LaCroix
Michael Greyeyes
Kevin Hicks
Jennifer Podemski
Hugh Dillon
and Sandrine Holt
A Shadow Shows/Yorktown Production
Directed By Bruce McDonald
Written By Bruce McDonald, Don McKellar, John Frizzell
Based on the book by W.P. Kinsella
Produced By Brian Dennis, Bruce McDonald
Executive Producers Norman Jewison, Sarah Hayward
Editor Michael Pacek
Director of Photography Miroslaw Baszak
Production Designer John Dondertman
Original Music by Michael Danna
1995 | 35mm | Color | 84 Minutes
Canadian Home Video: Video Service Corp.
International Sales Agent: Shadow Shows Rights Management
Based on a book by W.P. Kinsella, the film is set on the Kidabanesee reserve in Northern Ontario. Silas Crow is a young man confused about his direction in life; he wants to take an automobile mechanic’s course in college, but is uncertain whether he should apply. His general confusion with life is most readily evident in his appearance. He wears an old, ratty black hat resembling a fedora, as well as a long, black trenchcoat. Frank Fencepost is Crow’s best friend, and Sadie Maracle is his girlfriend.
Events are set in motion when a young girl from the reserve is murdered by Clarence Gaskilll, a white man who gets off with a light sentence, prompting the community to demand vengeance…
Toronto International Film Festival (World Premiere)
WINNER – Genie Award for Best Editing
WINNER – Genie Award for Best Sound Editing
NOMINEE – Genie Awards for Best Overall Sound
“Director Bruce McDonald has concocted a feisty adaptation of novelist W.P. Kinsella’s Dance Me Outside— a contemporary look at life on an Indian reservation and its environs. Bolstered by a winning, youthful cast, the film is a droll ensemble piece that makes its serious points skillfully and effortlessly.”
Leonard Klady, Variety